
2024 2nd Quarter Newsletter

In This Issue: 

  • Tax Tidbits
  • Capital Gains Inclusion Rate: Proposed Increase
  • GST/HST Returns: Mandatory: Electronic Filing
  • Short-Term Rentals: Denial of Expenses 
  • Short-Term Rentals: Sale of Property – GST/HST Issues
  • Director Liability: De Facto Director
  • Motor Vehicle Allowances: Carpooling
  • Unnamed Persons Requirement: Another CRA Compliance Tool 
  • Online Reviews: Employees Must Disclose their Connection to the Business 
  • Non-Profit Organization: Maintaining its Status

2024 1st Quarter Newsletter

In This Issue: 

  • Tax Tidbits
  • New Trust Reporting: Unexpected Exposure
  • Automobile Deduction and Benefit Rates: 2024 Limits Released
  • T-Slips: Filing and Distribution Issues
  • Personal Services Business: CRA Education Initiative
  • Working from Home Expenses: Employment Expenses
  • Canada Dental Care Plan (CDCP): New Income-Tested Benefit
  • Farm Losses can be Restricted: May Apply Even When Significant Time
    and Cash is Invested

2023 4th Quarter Newsletter

In This Issue: 
  • Year-End Tax Planning
  • 2023 Remuneration

2023 3rd Quarter Newsletter

In This Issue: 

  • Tax Tidbits
  • CPP Enhancements: Higher Contributions and Higher Benefits
  • First Home Savings Account (FHSA): A New Investment Tool
  • Cryptocurrency Exchange Cessation: Recordkeeping
  • Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit: More Housing Support
  • Disability Tax Credit (DTC): Electronic Applications
  • Paying Rent to Non-Residents: Withholdings Required
  • Gifts Directed to Other Donees: Loss of Charitable Status

2023 2nd Quarter Newsletter

In This Issue: 

  • Tax Tidbits
  • Budget 2023: Top Five Items for Owners-Managers
  • Underused Housing Tax (UHT): Increased Disclosures and Taxes
  • TFSA: Carrying on a Business Within it.
  • Unreported Capital Trades Included on a T5008: CRA Policy
  • Employment Expenses for Commissioned Employee: Sponsorship
  • Small Business Succession: Many Business Transfers Coming Shortly
  • Employee Time Theft: Some Challenges

2023 1st Quarter Newsletter

In This Issue: 

  • Tax Tidbits
  • Covid Benefits: Review/Audit Activity
  • Unreported Real Estate Dispositions: Multiple Issues
  • Employee Gifts and Parking: Updated CRA Policies
  • Witness For Legal Documents: Choose them Wisely
  • Canada Dental Benefit: Support for those with young children
  • One-Time Top-Up to the Canada Housing Benefit: Additional Support
  • Poker Winnings: Taxable or Not?

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